Track shipment
You can track up to 5 parcels at a time
Enter parcel numbers separated by commas
Collecting parcels was never this easy
- Sending a shipment from a Parcel Locker using the Parcel Manager
Sending a shipment using the Parcel Manager
Sending shipments from a Parcel Locker is very easy. All you need is an account in our Parcel Manager. Creating an account only takes a few minutes and costs nothing - later you can add money to your account and post your parcels very easily.
To send a Parcel Locker shipment:
1. Log into the Parcel Manager
Log into the Parcel Manager at
- How do I collect a shipment from a Parcel Locker?
When shopping on-line, choose Parcel Locker delivery. Remember that the maximum weight of the package is 25 kg. Enter your phone number and e-mail address and select the Parcel Locker which is in the most convenient location for you.
The list of Parcel Lockers can be found on the Find Parcel Locker website.
Method 1: Collect using the InPost Mobile application
- How to extend the package storage time at a Parcel Locker?
Sudden change of plans? Or maybe something urgent has come up and you will have no time to collect your parcel? No worries! You can quickly and conveniently extend the time during which a package is stored in a Parcel Locker to get an additional 24h to collect it. You can now do this using the InPost Mobile app - this new service costs PLN 7.99 and can be used repeatedly.
How to extend the pick-up deadline in the InPost Mobile app?